Crab also supports tags. This page has some tags, as you can see below, although tags are probably more common with blog posts.
If you click on a tag, you’ll be redirected to a page that shows all pages and posts with that tag. (For some tags, there is only this one page.)
Two-column layout
This is what sidebar content looks like.
Actually, this page has more info on:
alpha beta gamma Crab allows you to put content in a second column on the right-hand side of the page.
You could use this space to provide the reader with a quick summary of what the current page is all about.
On mobile devices, the summary is rendered directly above the actual page content.
... Read more …
Nested menus
Crab supports nested menus up to three levels deep.
This is especially helpful for websites that focus on content with a fixed, pre-defined strucure.
Responsive design
Crab’s design is responsive, it adapts to smaller screens of mobile devices.
Check out this example site on your smartphone or tablet (or on your desktop computer if you’re currently on mobile).
Third-level page #1
A third level page is rendered like this in the menu structure.
Third-level page #2
A third level page is rendered like this in the menu structure.
Third-level page #3
A third level page is rendered like this in the menu structure.